THCOG is a place for all generations. There is a level of ministry for every age. From infants to our beautiful Seniors, we have the perfect ministry for them all.

Men's Ministry on Facebook
Women's Ministry on Facebook

For infants until they turn 3 years old. We provide a safe, loving, and spiritually sound atmosphere for our children. Every time we have a church service, our exceptional nursery workers joyfully receive children in the nursery.

Little Lambs
For children who are ages 3 – 5 years old. They enjoy animated praise and worship as well as lessons that are relevant to their age. Each Sunday morning the Little Lambs ministry teaches the children what it means to love and serve Jesus Christ!

Kindergarten-5th Grade
This amazing ministry known as S.P.L.A.S.H. (seek. praise. love. and. serve. him.) meets every Sunday during adult church. The children have their own service in the Ministry Center Building located southwest of the sanctuary. It is dedicated to laying a spiritual foundation that will lead every child into a relationship with God. Various media such as drama, worship, teaching, and games are used to convey Biblical principles in a relevant way!

S.P.L.A.S.H. Ministry on Facebook

6th-12th Grade
RISE Student Ministry is for our students grade 6th-12th. Offering upbeat, energetic services we reach students at their level. We focus on teaching the importance of having a relationship with Jesus, being saved, loving others, and serving. Meeting weekly in our Ministry Center, plus monthly activities and special events.

RISE Student Ministry on Facebook